Incorporation of Cayman Islands companies

Cayman Islands, situated in the West Caribbean Sea, belongs to British Overseas Territory. Cayman is one of the offshore jurisdictions accepted by Hong Kong Stock Exchange for listing in Hong Kong.

Cayman Islands Companies Act is based on English Common Law. Companies are of two categories: Exempted Company and Non-Resident Company. Exempted Company is a more popular form of registration, the name of which need not end with “Limited”, and it can apply for a 20-year term tax exemption certificate to further increase its tax advantages.

Why incorporating Cayman company?

  • Provide privacy protection, without disclosing shareholders and directors

  • Company name can be expressed in Chinese characters provided with English translation

  • Chinese company name can be included in the certificate of incorporation

  • No tax shall be declarable and payable

  • No exchange control, easy to raise capital

  • Company is granted listing in Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Basic Requirements for incorporation

  • Must have registered office in Cayman Islands, provided by licensed service provider

  • At least one shareholder and director, and corporate directors are permitted

Annual maintenance requirements

  • Registers of directors and officers, members and charges must be kept at registered office

  • Registers of directors and officers must be filed with the Registrar of Companies with filing fee, but not disclose details to public

  • Annual returns must be lodged annually, but not disclose details to public

  • Notify Cayman Islands’ service provider for any changes on directorship and shareholding

  • Settlement of annual government fees